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Its Pub In The Park Again.

Well this weekend found us back in the Big Smoke, in Sunny Chiswick and its been a blast again. We just love our Pub in The Park events as it gives us a great chance to showcase what we do right across the whole of the UK and you guys are juts loving what we do to say the least.

Pub In The Park/Biltong/Chiswick/Top of the Shop

Never did we believe when we started out on this idea of creating the most diverse range of Biltong anywhere did for one moment believe we would be attending such stunning prestigious event's like Pub in The Park with Tom Kerridge or Country File live  its truly been a stunning adventure that we are loving and cant wait to see what the next chapter has to offer.


Anyway we have once again decide to bring back our stunning offer of 1Kg for just £29.99 of Biltong but this time we have added some truly stunning flavours just to make the decision even harder LOL. So please be quick as this could run out at any time, but please keep an eye out for even more offers coming very very soon! Click Here for more info !

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