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Our Christmas Flavours are now avaliable!

Its that time of year again when we all look forward to seeing what stunning trukly unoriginal Biltong flavours we bring out for Christmas and this year we reckon we have done it again. We always make sure we keep all our flavours as Originally Unoriginal as possible so here we have this years stunning line up!

1- An old favourite of ours "Rudolph Flavour Biltong"! No reindeer were hurt in the making of this flavour lets just say every year we twist our Original version for a subtitle difference but give it that sweet edge with a little something extra added. always a winner !

2- Three Kings Flavour Biltong, WOW that's all we can say about this one its a real taste of the finer side of Christmas, it has a slight spice flavour that not to hot in any way with a flavour that just keeps you coming back for more. So good we even gave it a royal Title !

3- Christmas Stuffing Flavour Biltong, its a real winner this one what more says Christmas than that a subtitle taste of Stuffing, it just works and as with all our Christmas flavours not to be found anywhere else!

So you fancy getting your hands on all three well we have even solved that one and we will even wrap it all up in one of our brilliant Santa Sacks to give it that final Christmas Feel all for just £10.00 


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