Our Process and How We Make Our Award Winning Biltong
We get asked quite often how do we create such great tasting Biltong so here we have it a quick break down in what we do.
1- First of all yo u need to select the right cut of beef for the job and we always use nothing but 100% British Beef with full traceability with the highest welfare standards to be found anywhere and the lowest possible food miles its an absolute must for us. Add to that generation of Farming knowledge in our blood we really do know not just great meat but what it also takes to create the finest beef you can find. All our cuts are silverside these are then sliced in to steak size pieces approx. 4cm thick, to thick and the meat will take an age to dry and sometimes never will dry quite right, to thin and you will end up with nothing but dust all of this process is done by hand by ourselves ensure consistency. It stakes approx. 220g of meat to craft 100g of finished Biltong This does vary quite a lot depending on how you like your Biltong, by that we mean wet, normal or dry.
2- Once the meat has been cut we are ready to start adding our unique blend of herbs and spices. First we dip the meat in vinegar this helps to tenderise and sterilise the meat, to the meat so we only dip ours. we then cover the each piece in our blend of herbs and spices and then placed in the fridge for at least 24hrs this allows the marinating process to start.
3- Then we remove the meat from the fridge and hang each piece by hand in our purpose built drying facility based here in the heart of Cheshire. With it been located at our home we have access to the whole process and able to check on the condition of the meat at any time. Each batch takes around 4 days to dry again this depends on how you like your Biltong Wet will take less time or Dry will take a little longer. There is no right or wrong in how you like you Biltong its all down to personal preference.
4- Once the meat is ready its again checked by hand and removed to be cut into the perfect Biltong each and every time.
Looking to find out even more have a read of "Biltong Without Compromise"